Party with Royal Salute “The Ultimate Tribute”
@ Sun City Luxury Club ,Friday, April 04, 2008,
start 9pm till late. Cheers!
Short message from the Edhi Sumadi, Country Manager of Pernod tonymx, holders of about 30 brand-an enthusiasm and wine, to drop my phone. This is one of three SMS call-week party.
So many party invitations in Jakarta, with the concepts of a new event, even the new crowd. The place is always new. It feels a little meleng we certainly lag.
When you last came to a place looked? A year ago, a month ago, may now have been spoiled. Each month there is the opening of new bars, new clubs, cafes or new - at least in the Venue long-redesign, if necessary with a new name. If they do not change, will be abandoned the "jamaah" always a party.
You know the Sun City Luxury Club, as shown in the SMS? Maybe not name the foreign Jakarta for the partygoers. But if you do not know where these need not lose heart, you are not the only one of the "Stop less." So many clubs in Jakarta, there came a go, I try to list a few: Score!, D'Light, 9Clouds, Bvlgary, 101 Lounge, Club Amor, X Lounge, Dragonfly, Vertigo, Mumm Champagne Lounge, Kama Sutra, Mojito , ADS Bar, Red & Whte, X2, Equinox, the Black Cat, V2, Red Square, embryo, Mistere, Between ... Believe me, only the true clubber who know only places outside of the head.
The light (not dark), the world's gleaming (clubbing) into the night not ade matinye. If you need a change too, and that entertainment is available in accordance with the needs of mind, would select a rave or a romantic, all there. Conditions bag can also be adjusted, ibaratnya from just cepek to learner-jut-jut, live demonstration.
If you like dancing, especially Latin, the W9 Club in the area of the south, to mention one example, worth a try. This is a bar that incorporate the concept of dance club, bars and restaurants. If you like ajep-ajep with the rhythm with the music pounding fast, clubs in the city to be the right choice! Forget dress code, because the entertainment style of "West Jakarta" does not memedulikan appearance visitors, do not need to jaim as in the south, an important berkocek bold!
Oh yes, they share the world based on ideology, we know first East-West, based on the level of prosperity if we understand the North-South. But if the world's Jakarta night, we divide it into the West and South.
West clubs represent the style of the City - although located in the north, but that style of entertainment, such as in the city, he was classified as "West". Characteristics, clubs are not too stylist, entertainment tends to the point, tends to lead directly to esek-esek, and their income every night of exceptional - especially for the Venue popular and many visitors.
While the "South" represents clubs in the area of South Jakarta - a area of Kemang, Plaza, or Plaza hotel, most of which five are located in South Jakarta. Usually very luxurious interior and going. Settlement of the fashionista, at least mejeng like (to see or to be seen), tend to jaim (guard image), but relatively low-level shopping - at least, not as visitors of clubs "West". My friend, a network of club owners and cafes in Jakarta, never calculate revenue, a club on Jl. Hayam Wuruk can reach Rp 12 billion a month, compared with the club in the area of the Park Ria Senayan the worst "just" Rp 1 billion per month.
That is. Fuel prices may rise, the price of rice may soar, the price of milk may be obvious, the price of bananas can be up and down, but the Bangkok entertainment business, starting the period up to the iron horse bite reforms bite your finger, from generation to generation Ebony Embassy, still rotating. Welcome to the world's sparkling night!